Friday, December 11, 2009

SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager Snap-In failed

I need to access multiple versions of SQL Server at work, and for SQL Server 2000, it's nothing better than to use the SQL Server 2000 client tools to connect. However, after some uninstallation of other programs on my work computer has corrupted the SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager Snap-In. Re-installation was a challenge on its own. Just want to post what helped me in this incident and see if it could help anyone down the road...

SQL Server 2000 installation fails with "...previous program installation..." error message


Monday, December 7, 2009

The Gift of God's Smile - my reflection

From Max Lucado "In the Eye of the Storm":

"We do not ask these things because we are good; instead, we ask because of your mercy."
(Daniel 9:18)

If only, when God smiles and says we are saved, we'd salute Him, thank Him, and live like those who have just received a gift from the Commander in Chief.

We seldom do that, though. We prefer to get salvation the old-fashioned way: We earn it. To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. We opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great He is. We dizzy ourselves with doctrine. Burden ourselves with rules. Think that God will smile on our efforts.

He doesn't.

God's smile is not for the healthy hiker who boasts that he made the journey alone. It is, instead, for the crippled leper who begs God for a back on which to ride.

Dear Father, I don't remember since when I fell from your mercy to think that only my achievements would make You and others around me smile. It's my sins that have blinded me to think less about You and more on what I could/should accomplish. The striking news you brought forth tonight is a wake up call for my spiritual life. It's essential to be a good husband, father, employee, friend...but out of all these, only one is the most important and vital: I'm Your child, not by my works/performance, but completely by Your grace. Forgive me God! May You have the Holy Spirit constantly remind me this truth and help me to love You more! In Jesus' Name I prayed, Amen.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

離婚酒店 - an inspiring story forwarded by a couple in Christ

他和她結婚整整10年 了,夫妻間已經沒有任何衝動與情趣,他越來越覺得自己對她幾乎就是一種程式與義務,他開始厭煩起了她,尤其是單位新調進了一個年輕活潑的女孩,對他發起了 瘋狂的進攻,他突然覺得她是自己的第二春,經過再三考慮,他決定和她離婚。她似乎也麻木了,很平靜地答應了他,兩個人一起走進了民政部門。 ­


她看了看他:好吧,聽說新開了一家離婚酒店,專門執行離婚夫婦的最後一頓晚餐,要不咱們到那兒去看看。” ­

他點了點頭,兩人一前一後默默地走進了離婚酒店。 ­

先生女士晚上好。二人在包廂剛坐下,服務小姐便走了進來,請問兩位想吃點兒什麼?” ­

他看了看她:你點吧。” ­

她搖了搖頭:我不常出來,不太清楚這些,還是你點吧。” ­

對不起先生女士,我們離婚酒店有個規矩,這頓飯必 須要由 女士點先生平時最愛吃的菜,由先生點女士平時最愛吃的菜,這叫最後的記憶” ­

那好吧,她理了理頭髮,清蒸魚、溜蘑菇、拌木耳,記住,都不要放蔥薑蒜,我先生……這位先生他不吃這些。” ­



就這些吧,其實這是我們兩個人都愛吃的。她連忙打起了圓場。 ­


她與她都點了點頭:那就來冷飲吧。” ­

很快,服務小姐送來了兩份冷飲,兩份飲料中一份淡藍一片,全是冰渣;一份滿杯紅潤,冒著熱氣。 ­

這份晚餐名叫一半是火焰,一半是海水,兩位慢用。服務小姐介紹完退了下去。 ­

包房裏靜悄悄的,兩個人相對而坐,一時竟不知道該說什麼好。 ­

篤篤篤!輕輕一陣敲門聲,服務小姐走了近來,托盤裏托著一枝鮮豔的紅玫瑰:先生,還記得您第一次給這位女士送花的情景嗎?現在一切都結束了,夫妻不成就當朋友,朋友要好聚好散,最後為女士送朵玫瑰吧。” ­



那天,他為自己買了第一朵紅玫瑰,她幸福得流下了眼淚。10年了,一切都好起來了,可兩個人卻走向了分離。她想著想著,淚水盈滿了雙眼,她擺了擺手說:不用了。” ­

他也想起了過去的10年,他這才記起,自己已經有五六年沒有給她買過一枝玫瑰了。他擺了擺手:不,要買。” ­

服務小姐卻拿起了玫瑰,刷刷兩下撕成了兩半,分別扔進了兩個人的飲料杯裏,玫瑰竟然溶解在了飲料裏。 ­

這是我們酒店特意用糯米製成的紅玫瑰,也是送給你們的第三道菜,名叫映景的美麗。先生女士慢用,有什麼需要直接叫我。服務小姐說完,轉身走了出去。 ­

“XX,我……”他一把握住她的手,有些說不出話來。 ­


啪!突然,燈熄了,整個包房裏漆黑一片,外面警鈴大作,一股煙味兒飄了進來。 ­

怎麼了?兩個人急忙站了起來。 ­


老公!她一下撲進了他的懷裏,我怕!” ­

別怕!他緊緊摟住她,親愛的,有我呢。走,往外衝!” ­

包廂外面燈光通明,秩序井然,什麼都沒有發生。 ­

服務小姐走了過來:對不起,先生女士,讓兩位受驚了。酒店並沒有失火,煙味兒也是特意往包房裏放的一點點,這是我們的第四道菜,名叫內心的選擇。請回包廂。” ­


她咬了咬嘴唇:你願意嗎?” ­

我願意,我現在什麼都明白了,明天一早咱就去辦結婚。小姐,買單。他說著喊了起來 。 ­


他看著帳單,眼淚淌了下來。 ­

你怎麼了?她連忙問道。 ­

他把帳單遞給了她:親愛的,我錯了,我對不起你。” ­












這就是您的妻子。 ­












這就是您的丈夫。 ­

兩個人抱在一起,放聲痛哭。 ­


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Killer Bees (SMB's that is!) On the Way! (for Vista and Windows Server 2008)

Just got this from Mark Minasi's newsletter. If you are using either Vista or Windows Server 2008 I would highly encourage you to check out the newsletter yourself:

Hope you find it helpful!


Monday, August 3, 2009

Deleting virtual machine snapshots without wasting disk space

Great article for VI3 administrators:,289483,sid179_gci1311854_mem1,00.html?track=NL-921&ad=638720&asrc=EM_NLN_3586418

Exchange 2003 Shutdown Script

This comes in very handy:

net stop "Microsoft Exchange Information Store" /y
net stop "Microsoft Exchange System Attendant" /y
net stop "Microsoft Exchange IMAP4" /y
net stop "Microsoft Exchange Routing Engine" /y
net stop "Microsoft Exchange POP3" /y
net stop "Microsoft Exchange Management" /y
shutdown /r /t 00

The above is coming from this wonderful site:


Friday, May 22, 2009

ESX 3.5 Host unable to restart

In my new VMware Infrastructure 3 environment, there were times were an ESX host crashed and failed to restart. Here's the solution provided by VMware:

1. Reboot and start (Troubleshooting) console.
2. Login as "root"
3. At the commmand prompt, type the following:
"esxcfg-boot -p" (Enter)
"esxcfg-boot -b" (Enter)
"esxcfg-boot -r" (Enter)
4. The above would clear the boot ini and log files. Type "reboot" (Enter) to reboot the ESX host.

For proactive monitoring, here's what could be done:

1. Login as "root"
2. At the command prompt, type "df -h".
3. This command would display the size and % utilized for each partitions. The /boot partition should be below 50% utilized.
4. If the /boot partition is above 50%, use the procedure above and reboot the ESX server to avoid a crash.


Saturday, April 18, 2009

God's hidden blessings

If I tell you, "poop is better than gold!", you must think I am either drunk or crazy. But yet, this is really how I feel ever since my son is born...

My son is only 2.5 months old and he's been having constipation ever since he came home. We've been following our pediatrician's "prune juice therapy" a little loosely because we worried that it may affect his digestive system even though we've been reassured time after time that this therapy is much more natural and have no side effect.

So this past Wednesday night my son had a "big one" and we kind of let our guard down a bit on Thursday. Then my son's condition progressively got worse: he could not sleep, and he would spit up and scream and cry like crazy in the middle of a feeding. This has never happened before. Yesterday, he started to lose his appetite and was eating maybe less than 50% of what he would normally take in. We finally brought our son to the pediatrician. Her diagnosis was that most likely it's because of constipation as it would greatly affect the reflux or could even cause acid reflux. That would explain why my son stayed up for 12+ hours on Friday because the discomfort, and would scream and cry during the middle of a feeding.

The pediatrician then performed the necessary procedures but yielded no results. Then she gave us some guidelines of what to do after we brought him back home. I remembered at least prayed for my son a few times during that afternoon that he could "poop". Then finally at around 10:00 PM the "poop" finally came. My wife and I were praising and thanking God while we cleaned up the mess. Yes, the scene was pretty disgusting to us(what could you expect?) but yet we saw that God was able to bring out the dirt from our son so he could become healthy again.

Likewise, how are we handling disappointments, betrayals, tragedies, hardships, difficulties that come our way? Are we able to see God's hidden blessings behind these "dirt" and be able to thank Him and give Him praises?

Romans 12:1-2

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. 2Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Microsoft the Ultimate Steal for Students is live again!!!

If you want a complete set of Office without breaking your bank account and you are a current student with a valid .edu e-mail address, you may really want to check this out:


Friday, January 23, 2009

Fw: Info on Downadup / Conflicker (worm) and what to do about it

Dear All,

Here's a forward from Mark Minasi newsletter that I've received today. It contains useful information on how to look for and prevent the latest virus/worm outbreak since last Friday. Hope you find it helpful!

"Hi All --

Just a quick note about the Conflicker / Downadup worm that's gotten a bunch of press lately. It's on the grow, so it's worth taking a moment and checking your systems (and, more likely, your friends' home systems).

I view it as an important threat to address because it's one of those "remote code execution" exploits, which is security-ese for "you don't have to do anything to get this except (1) don't patch and (2) expose port 135 (RPC) to the Internet." What's scarier is that it puts itself on USB sticks and puts an autorun.inf file on those sticks, meaning that if your system's infected and you take a USB stick out of your system and hand it to someone and that person pops the USB stick into a system that hasn't disabled autorun, then that other person's computer is now infected. (I really hate autorun and disable it -- you can do it from group policies or Control Panel. In Vista, it's in Control Panel / Hardware and Sound / AutoPlay. On XP, open My Computer and right-click anything under "Devices with Removable Storage" and look on the AutoPlay tab.)

Microsoft published the patch, MS08-067 on 23 October '08, so you probably have nothing to worry about if you automatically download and install Microsoft's hotfixes in a timely manner. If not, any major anti-malware tool can identify and clean it, or just download the latest version of Microsoft's Malicious Software Removal Tool (the 19 January version) from, then run it by typing "mrt" and follow the prompts. Once finished, MRT offers a hyperlink "View detailed results of the scan." In that report refers to the worm as Win32/Conflicker, rather than the "Downadup" name used by many sources.

I hope this helps, and apologies to those for whom this is old news -- it'd just be a shame to allow a bunch of dirtbags to build another bot army."

Cheers, and take action against this worm right away if you haven't!