Monday, July 2, 2007

God is Faithful and He Reigns!!!

In case if you didn't notice, I've been worrying a lot lately. The fact is, my company isn't doing as well as it should, and I've been feeling pretty uneasy with my career. On the other hand, Amy is facing the same situation. We've been praying for each other on this issue, and frankly, it becomes very hard for us to obey the command in

Philippians 4:4

4 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!

Just a few minutes ago, Amy was sorting out the mails and there comes the INS notice. My Green Card Application has been approved! Consider that we first submitted our application at the beginning of April 2007, this is something very extraordinary--at least against all the Green Card stories we've ever heard. God once again demonstrated His Almighty Power and that we could really "Rejoice in the Lord always!". We could always be rejoicing no matter what the situation is. May God's name be glorified throughout the earth!!! Hallelujah!!!

Friday, June 15, 2007

Praise the Lord!!!

We prayed pretty hard for today's Green Card Interview and God just showed His abundant grace upon us once again!!! We almost missed the appointment due to the traffic jam, and arrived only 20 minutes before the appointment. And we've spent last night to be as fully prepared as possible. It turns out that the appointment only took a little less than 15 minutes. No embarassing or hard questions! God is so trustworthy! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord!!!

The only thing that's pending now is the FBI background check. Please continue to pray for us so this would also go smoothly by His grace!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

A Few Thoughts To Share...

I've been reading "Angel Heart Monthly", a Hong Kong Christian magazine that's primary aim is to share Jesus Christ with Hong Kong people. Every issue so far is a real blessing. The articles are very contemporary and to the point, and I'm also amazed at how good it could be for God to pull His Children together to create such a great magazine that appeals both to believers and non-believers. It also comes with a free VCD, which contains some very good Christian material for us to enjoy, and possibly a tool to share the Gospel with our families. May God continue to bless and use this wonderful ministry!

To learn more about "Angel Heart Monthly", you can go to:

Tomorrow morning is a big day, as it's my Green Card Interview. Please pray that everything would go according to His will and guidance. I'll update you with the latest.

Let's not forget that this Sunday it's our "Graduation Potluck Luncheon" for all graduating middle school, high school and college students. Please make sure you bring some food/drinks etc. to share with others in this reunion. For the graduating students, please prepare a two-minute sharing of your thanksgiving and your future plans for your new stage in life.

Solomon Fellowship, please pardon me and Chester for not being to make it this Saturday. Chester would be attending the UC Santa Cruz's graduation ceremonty, while Amy and I would be attending a wedding. I'll try my best to make it back to Sunday School preparation.

Need to get back to work...leave me some comments and let me know how you feel (nothing inappropriate, please!)

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Hello, Everyone!

I'm your average "post it and forget it" person. I've actually tried to update my Xanga and MySpace but soon the "slack off" kicked in and they become stale as usual. However, since "blogging" is like THE communication for this new century and as a tech guy I could not be "left behind". So here I am, one last ditch attempt to establish a blog and see if I could develop this into a habit. Waiting for some encouragement here...